The Spectra Therapy Equine line has been a game changer for my barrel horses. Running multiple horses and keeping them feeling their best can be a challenge, which is why I love the portability of the Spectra Therapy blanket and wraps. Not only is the technology great, but easy to use with multiple horses. Phillip is 19 years old and still running barrels in tough north Texas competition, with his spectra therapy blanket and wraps his muscles stay loose and without any soreness. My second horse Rusty, has a high-low foot conformation and requires a little extra maintenance to help his body recover after a run, mostly in his shoulders and back. I work diligently with corrective exercises and stretches to help keep his body ready to compete. With the Spectra Therapy blanket, I have noticed a palpable difference in his stretches after a run and session in the blanket as it keeps him more limber and comfortable. Both horses love to see the Spectra Therapy products coming and start yawning before they are even put on!
Jazz’s back, hip, and legs were getting so bad that he had a hard time getting up to walk.