About Spectra Laser Therapy
Spectra Therapy is committed to changing lives by providing easy and convenient advanced laser technology anywhere and anytime at an affordable price.
About the company
Our goal is to provide quality products to help people experience laser therapy benefits of pain relief, improved circulation and mobility, and much more to live life to its fullest.
Spectra Therapy is a manufacturer of LASERwrap®, which is a patented, wearable laser therapy product for both the human and the veterinarian markets. LASERwrap® is a wearable cold laser therapy device that consists of a small impulse laser unit that transmits light through filaments into a pad or wrap. The pad or wrap is applied to almost any part of the body, helping both human and animals. This type of therapy is also known as low level laser therapy, LLLT, or cold laser therapy.
The company’s headquarters are located in Troy, Michigan, with the majority of the products being produced and/or assembled in Michigan. The manufacturing facility for the lasers is located in Shelby Township, Michigan, and has over 27 years of experience in diverse electronic technologies, medical equipment, and laser products. Most pads and wraps are sewn and assembled in Port Huron, Michigan.
Spectra Therapy in the Press
Spectra Therapy brings you up-to-date news about the latest developments in laser therapy, as well as news about our product and company. If you would like to talk with us about something you’ve heard in the news, call our office in Troy, Michigan at (248) 524-6300
Success Stories
Jazz’s back, hip, and legs were getting so bad that he had a hard time getting up to walk.