Yvonne B

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Herniated disc’s repair , Yvonne B, Birmingham , MI
“For 6 1/2 years, I have struggled with back pain due to a herniated disc (L4-L5 & L5-S1), arthritis and degeneration in my spine. I have tried everything short of surgery. My days consisted of searching for pain relief through various methods such as steroid shots, chiropractic, massage, acupuncture, yoga, medication, LED, ice packs, and various types of physical therapy. It was consuming my mind, my time, and a substantial amount of $$$$.
After using the back LASER wrap for only 3 nights, I have noticed a significant difference in my sleep quality and I now wake up pain-free.  I also found that I was better able to endure the physical therapy since it reduced the pain and allowed me to better perform the required exercises, for muscle building which should then properly support my spine.”

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We feel fortunate to have received reflections from our clients, including patients, physicians, and coaches about how Spectra Therapy’s LASERwrap® has helped them.

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