Simple Solution for Complex EYE Problems

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LASERwrap  2-day treatment of neck energizes blood, lymph, and oxygen flow in the head, which helps relieve stress, tension of the autotomic nervous system controlling the body. In Nash’s case, the biomolecular functions controlling the eye muscles and nerves .

Full story...

Simply LASERwrap Nash’s neck with 24″ Filament.   We and our dog Nash, love our Spectra Therapy LASERwrap® dog coat  for recovery during and after ALL sports. Our Prime Time Flyball team has been using them since the end of last year and we have all seen amazing results.

Nash - Flyball Team
Flyball Team - After Last Run

However, Joe and I have a story that doesn’t have to do with sports recovery, or relieving soreness/anxiety.  In 2022, for far too long, Nash had a really bad eye issue. It was constantly green and goopy, swollen and irritated. We tried flushing it with saline solutions, antibiotic drops, plus we saw an eye specialist. They weren’t sure what the issue was and told us the only way to find out would be to put him under, go up through his nose, and see what was going on. We have friends that have lost their dogs from going under anesthesia and, selfishly, I wasn’t sure I wanted to do that.  In November, our flyball team partnered with Spectra Therapy and I spoke to John, the owner, about Nash’s eye issue. He was hopeful this light therapy would help. We bought the 24″ filament strip and received it on a Tuesday afternoon. [It uses the same Impulse Laser unit we use for the dog coat]. We started using it that evening, and by Thursday,  Nash’s eye  was completely clear.  It was an answered prayer. A holistic solution that was easy to administer and didn’t require medication or anesthesia. I felt a huge sense of relief that we didn’t have to put him under, and he felt and acted like a different dog. I don’t think we realized how bad his eye was making him feel throughout September and October, and this was life changing for us all.  Anyway, if you’ve stuck with me this far, just know that we are true believers and we want to spread the word. If you are interested or have questions, just ask! We can talk about the benefits we’ve seen all day long.  Nash’s before and after pictures are above , as well as pictures of the filament strip we used to treat his eye.

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We feel fortunate to have received reflections from our clients, including patients, physicians, and coaches about how Spectra Therapy’s LASERwrap® has helped them.

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